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Bergin, Paul. ‘Andy Warhol: The Artist as Machine’. Art Journal. Vol. 26, No. 4. 1967: 359-363.

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Date Created: September 8, 2024

Last Modified: September 8, 2024

Name Lecturer Course Date Andy Warhol: Pop Art Icon Annotated Bibliography Bergin, Paul. ‘Andy Warhol: The Artist as Machine’. Art Journal. Vol. 26, No. 4. 1967: 359-363. In this article, Bergin perceives that Andy Warhol can be compared to a machine as his work is the only aspect of his life that is known. His pieces of work are produced with a lack of consciousness which is witnessed in his Flowers painting. The flowers are painted to show a comparison between the real world and the world of art. Bergin explores the process which Warhol used in the Flower painting and its function in the presentation of the painting. Bolton, Linda. Artistes in their Time: Andy Warhol. Connecticut: Franklin Watts. 2002. Print. Linda Bolton has given the life story of Andy Warhol in this book. She starts off from his childhood and early life, and his influences during this period. She provides a ‘timeline-like’ presentation of how Warhol left for New York and his induction into pop art and abstract expressionism. Bolton, thereafter, focuses on his experimentation with cartoon strips, silk screen printing, films, and the pop culture. Throughout the book, she uses portraits which show all the aspects of Warhol’s life and some of the artwork that he had done. Johnson, Ken. ‘Review: A 60s View of Warhol’s Soup Cans, at MoMA. The New York Times. 2015. Accessed on February 10, 2018. The article focuses on a review done by Ken Johnson on Warhol’s presentation at the Museum of Modern art. In particular, the presentation examines Campbell’s Soup Cans and the significance that Warhol wanted to show when he created the art piece. Other pieces of Warhol’s creations are also covered. Lanchner, Carolyn. Andy Warhol. New York: The Museum of Modern Art. 2008. Print. Some of the best pieces of art done by Andy Warhol are included in this book. In particular, 10 art pieces are shown which are also displayed in the Museum of Modern Art. Pieces such as the Gold Marilyn Monroe, Flower paintings, Campbell’s Soup Cans, and electric chair images are reproduced as they are in the Museum. The pieces are accompanied by a short description which shows the context within which they were created. McCorquodale, Sara. ‘How Warhol’s Work Influenced our Wardrobes’. BBC: Culture. 2015. Accessed on February 10, 2018. McCorquodale examines the history of art and how it was influenced by the works of individuals such as Warhol. She gives the example of Campbell’s Soup Cans which are one of the most well-known art pieces in America. Due their popularity, they have gradually influenced the fashion world. McCorquodale discusses the impact of Campbell’s Soup Cans on the sense of clothing in the society Otty, Lisa. ‘The No Man Show: Technology and the Extension of Presence in the Work of Andy Warhol’. eSharp: Borders and Boundaries. No. 5. N.d: 1-13. Print. Otty analyzes the Andy Warhol’s work from a technology point of view. In this paper, she explores three aspects which have a significant impact on Warhol’s work: the capability to reproduce Warhol’s pieces, the influence of mass media, as well as the concept of absence and presence. In particular, Otty gives a detailed description of how the Gold Marilyn Monroe was created. In the description, she introduces silk-screen printing in which the Monroe painting was developed. She further analyzes the influence of media and technology in his other works including his experimentation with film. Schroeder, Jonathan E. ‘Andy Warhol: Consumer Researcher’. Advances in Consumer Research, Vol. 24. 1997: 476-482. In this paper, Schroeder assesses the impact that Warhol has had on consumer research. He asserts that the iconic life of Warhol was instrumental in the development of traditional consumer research. In particular, Schroeder examines how pop art was influential in the establishment and subsequent works of artistes such as Warhol. Warhol’s training in commercial art is assessed and some of his earliest pop art pieces are mentioned. It is, therefore, evident that it was through the pop movement that some of Warhol’s works gained popularity. Schroeder, Jonathan E. ‘The Artist and the Brand.’ European Journal of Marketing. Vol. 39, No. 11/12. 2005: 1291-1305. Schroeder uses this paper to create greater awareness on the significance of visual art. He examines the traditions and principles of art and applies them various work of art belonging to such people as Andy Warhol. Selvin, Erdem. (2016). ‘The Analysis of Pop Art: Content, Subject Matter, Style and Form’. . 10.13140/RG.2.1.4782.5047. The paper deals with the emergence of pop art and how it facilitated the artistic development of various people. The pop art movement is linked with the creation of new artistic styles and concepts which reduced the ‘avant-garde’ in art. Pop was seen as going against the established framework of art and people who went beyond this framework were not regarded as true artists. Selvin discusses how the movement of pop began and the effects it had on individuals such as Andy Warhol. Spencer, Catherine. ‘Why Andy Warhol Still Surprises, 30 Years After His Death’. Independent. 2017. Accessed on February 10, 2018. Catherine Spencer introduces this article by describing some of the time capsules that Andy Warhol had hidden in his lifetime. She introduces some of the artwork that Warhol did including several films. Additionally, she shows how Warhol was able to bring together various people involved in art and his experimentations with multimedia performances. Therefore, Spencer is able to show the kind of personality that Warhol had in his lifetime. 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