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How to Write Nursing Care Plan and Organizational Plan: A Sample of a Case Study

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Written by: admin

Date Created: August 19, 2024

Last Modified: September 3, 2024

Most nursing students are required to write a nursing care plan and organizational plan as part of their studies. Some of these tools might be challenging to prepare. If you are short of time, experts at Uniwriters can customize such plans for you. You can also seek Research Writing Help to ensure that your work maintains quality and that all crucial elements are included. Below is a sample of such a plan relating to a patient diagnosed with Type I diabetes.

Nursing Care Plan

Research on Diagnoses: 

Type I diabetes is a chronic autoimmune disease characterized by high blood glucose levels. According to Research, the symptoms of type 1 diabetes include excessive hunger and thirst, urinating a lot, blurred vision, fatigue, irritability, and excessive weight loss. Atrial fibrillation is an abnormally fast heart rate due to fibrillation within the heart’s atria. Atrial fibrillation risk factors include advanced age, alcohol consumption, congenital heart disease, hypertension, or underlying heart and lung diseases. In contrast, the symptoms include a fast and pounding heartbeat, weakness, fatigue, and shortness of breath. 

However, individuals can also feel dizzy and light-headed. Hypertension is when the individual has a blood pressure above 140/90 mm Hg. The risk factors include advancing age, inadequate sleep, genetics, obesity, a sedentary lifestyle, smoking, and alcohol consumption. In contrast, the symptoms include a severe headache, anxiety, blurred vision, dizziness, and poor vision. Obesity is a condition that manifests in the accumulation of fatty tissue in the body, which can cause various health risks. 

Predisposing factors include anxiety, lack of exercise, poor dietary habits, and overeating. Arthritis is a condition that affects joints, causing inflammation, cartilage deterioration, and changes in the shape of the bones. Causes of arthritis include autoimmune disorders, genetics, injuries, obesity, and advancing age. The significant symptoms of arthritis include pain and stiffness in joints. 

Assessment from Case Study

A nursing care plan should contain details from the case study. You can Pay for research paper to have experts develop quality plans. In this case, Mrs. Pam Mochoruk, a 65-year-old patient, has a history of Type 1 diabetes and arthritis. She is obese and was recently diagnosed with cardiac arrhythmia. Her presentation at the hospital revealed that she has an ulcer in her left great toe and needs daily dressing. From the preliminary assessment, Mrs. Pam Mochoruk should be placed under the R1 level of intervention. The implication is that she needs further investigation to ascertain the extent of her cardiac arrhythmia condition. She can also move to and from the bed and has no known allergies. 

Priority Nursing Diagnosis

The nursing care plan and organizational plan should detail the nursing diagnosis in order of importance. In this case, Mrs. Pam Mochoruk needs urgent intervention to stabilize her heart rate since she has been experiencing atrial fibrillation. Due to her age, diabetes history, and recently diagnosed cardiac arrhythmia, Mrs. Pam Mochoruk is at a higher risk of developing a stroke. The nurse must also dress her ulcer daily to reduce the risk of getting additional infections. Therefore, the priority is to put her on a plan to stabilize her heart rate first. 


A nursing care plan should have a goal that is specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound. In this case, the goal is to reduce Mrs. Pam Mochoruk’s heart rhythm and reduce the risk due to cardiac arrhythmia. Specifically, the plan aims to reduce her blood pressure to reduce the likelihood of getting a stroke. While doing this, the nurse will also alleviate the patient’s pain due to the ulcer in her toe. 

Nursing Interventions X 3

1. Administer medication to reduce blood pressure and stabilize Mrs. Pam Mochoruk’s heart rhythm. 

2. Administer painkillers to reduce the pain due to the ulcer.

3. Administer painkillers to help alleviate chest pains due to cardiac arrhythmia.

Anticipated Evaluation of Goals and Interventions

The nurse will periodically monitor Mrs. Pam Mochoruk’s heart rhythm and heart rate to ascertain whether the proposed interventions work. Specifically, the pulse rate will be recorded to ascertain the rate. 

Nursing Organizational Plan

Patient Name: Mrs. Pam Mochoruk

Age: 65 years

Diagnosis: Type 1 diabetes, arthritis, and cardiac arrhythmia. 

R1 level of intervention. AAT, NKA, Daily dressing change.  


1. Administer medication to reduce blood pressure and stabilize Mrs. Pam Mochoruk’s heart rhythm. 

2. Administer painkillers to reduce the pain due to the ulcer.

3. Administer painkillers to help alleviate chest pains due to cardiac arrhythmia.

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