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Managing Organizations Academic Essay

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Written by: admin

Date Created: November 15, 2024

Last Modified: November 15, 2024

There is both a Group and Individual component to this assignment. Full details of both components are provided below.

Group Component Groups will consist of at least 3 but no more than 4 members and students can choose whomever they wish to work with on the assignment. For on-campus students, it is suggested that groups are established among members of the same tutorial class. Time will be set aside in the week 6 tutorial for this purpose.

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For external students, groups will be established and announced by the Unit Assessor prior to the end of week 6. Students should advise the UA beforehand if they would like to work with a particular student. Group task: Each group will firstly select one of the following key issues that managers of organizations often strive to develop or contend with:  Organizational Commitment    Employee Satisfaction    Deviant workplace behaviourGroups are to then prepare a report (max 1500 words) which describes and explains:   

The selected management issue and its role in organizational performance. How the Human Relations or Open Systems model of the CVF might be used to effectively address the selected issue.    The limitations and/or dangers that should be considered when undertaking the particular management approach (i.e., the HR or OS model) to address the selected issue. This report will be prepared as a word document (.docx) and submitted by one group member prior to the due date.

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The report will be assessed according to the Group Component marking criteria (available in the Assignment 3 file on BB) with each student in the group receiving the same common mark. Due: by 11:59pm on Wednesday 18 May (Week 12 of the session). Submit: The group report is to be submitted via Turn-it-in. This link, which can be accessed from the Assignment 3 file in BB, is active from week 10. Groups can submit their report and check the similarity result any time leading up to the due date. The file you submit should be labelled: Group name.docx. For example, Group AD.docx Marks:    35 marks in total (which is 35% of the unit) Report Format The single group report document submitted for this component of the assignment is to contain the following elements and formatting features:    Assignment Coversheet with group member names and their respective student ID number (document is available in the Assignment 3 file on Blackboard).    Coverage identifying the assignment title, names & ID numbers of each student in the group and the report word count (identify both the Executive Summary and Report word count).   

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A brief Executive Summary (max of 200 words) Table of Contents page Report content (maximum of 1500 words). Reference list. Follow the Libraries Harvard Referencing style guide. Report content Groups can adopt any structure they like for the report content (i.e., use of multiple sub-sections). While your analysis and writing skills are critically important, do not overlook the need for a report that is well-presented.

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Groups will find the maximum word limit to be a key challenge of this assignment. The objective is to be very succinct with your writing and focus on providing information that is directly relevant to your discussion. Note that 1500 words Is the maximum limit. Reports with more than 1500 words will be returned to the group for editing. References Both in-text and reference list skills must be demonstrated.

The report is to include a minimum of six (6) distinct references from academic journal articles. You may cite your textbook and reference sources identified in it but they do not contribute towards the reference count. Tip: groups should avoid planting superfluous references in their report. Quoting is not permitted. Paraphrase the information you obtain from your various sources to support your own logic and rationale. Formatting Style Adopt the following features for the report: Apply page numbers. The coversheet and coverage are unnumbered, the Executive Summary is page i and the Table of Contents is page ii. Page 1 is the first page after the Toc. Use the page numbering and Table of Contents formatting functions available in word for their respective purposes.    Font style: Times New Roman, 12pt, justified, 1 line spacing.    Margins top/bottom to be 2.54cm. Left/right to be 2.54cm. No page borders.    Spelling if using a Microsoft package, specify Australian English language/grammar when running your spell-check.      Individual Component Individual students are to undertake and submit a review of their Groups performance.

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The Performance Review report (max 500 words) will identify and analyze the key factors (good and/or bad) that contributed to the group’s performance (process and outcome). The report will be assessed according to the Individual Component marking criteria (available in the Asset 3 file). Due: by 11:59pm on Friday 27 May (Week 13 of the session). Submit:   The report is to be submitted via Turn-it-in. This link, which can be accessed from the Assignment 3 file in BB, is active from week 10. Students can submit their report and check the similarity result any time leading up to the due date. The file you submit should be labelled: Surname, initial, student code, MNG10247, asmt 3 IC For example Gillett, P, 012345, MNG10247, asmt 3 IC Marks:    15 marks in total (which is 15% of the unit) Report Format The single document submitted for this component of the assignment is to contain the following elements and formatting features: 

  • Assignment Coversheet with all details completed (document is available in the Assignment 3 file on Blackboard).
  • Performance Review report (max 500 words). Use the heading Performance Review as your title.    Reference list.

Follow the Libraries Harvard Referencing style guide. References Both in-text and reference list skills must be demonstrated.

The report is to include a minimum of two (2) distinct references from academic journal articles. You may cite your textbook and reference sources identified in it but they do not contribute towards the reference count. Tip: avoid planting superfluous references in their report. Quoting is not permitted. Paraphrase the information you obtain from your various sources to support your own logic and rationale. Formatting style Adopt the following features for the report:    Apply page numbers. The coversheet is unnumbered. 

Font style: Times New Roman, 12pt, justified, 1 line spacing. Margins top/bottom to be 2.54cm. Left/right to be 2.54cm. No page borders. Spelling if using a Microsoft package, specify Australian English language/grammar when running your spell-check.   

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